
Showing posts from December, 2021

Adriatic Cruise 2017

  27 May 2017 At Ben Gurion airport there was a man who had a problem getting out of passport control, he told us afterwards that every country he visits he has the same problem as his name come up as a wanted criminal has a similar name. His wife was English born but he came from Gugerat, Pakistan and his daughter was spending 3 months in Nablus as she had done a degree in Arabic and was improving her speech. 28th May stayed 2 nights at the Best Western Linton Lodge in Oxford. This was a very comfortable place with good food but the toilet was weird, there was not enough place for long feet so one had to sit diagonally on it and there was underfloor heating, so at certain hours you could not stand on the bathroom floor tiles barefoot. We had a lot of time to chat to Brenda and Frank and they took us to for lunch. From Oxford we took the coach to Bayswater in London and stayed with Minne and Lionel Fry. Wed31st May Saw the play at Lyttelton theatre "Ugly lies the bone" of